Pan India Masters Games Federation


About Us

Pan India Masters Games Federation® (PIMGF) is an India-based NGO working as sports’ governing body for the Veteran people called Masters sports, and organizes the National and International level Pan India Masters Games, and this is the biggest multi-sport event for the Masters athletes in India.  Pan India Masters Games Federation is the sports federation which is registered under the societies act.  This federation came to existence with an intention to make the society aware of the benefits of sports on health and overall wellness of people interested in sports and also to develop the “Health and Fitness” of the elderly people and engaging them in regular sports activities.


Pan India Masters Games Federation is newly founded in 2021 under the leadership of Mr. Nataraj (Karnataka) as a Secretary General to support the Olympic movement and ‘Sport for All’ philosophy.  Pan India Masters Games Federation is a non-profit NGO and aims to conduct Olympic Games for the Matured People in India and supporting sporting culture for the age categories of 30+, 35+, 40+…….. 80+, 85+, 90+.

All the players to get a chance to take part in the World Masters Games, and several other international multi-sport events for Masters athletes, including the Winter World Masters Games, European Masters Games, Pan-American Masters Games and Asia-Pacific Masters Games.  Our main aim is to keep the sports alive specially among the aged people. Around 21 Olympic events will be conducted under this as per the rules and regulations of the IOC.


To strengthen & grow the Masters’ sports movement in partnership with its members, international Masters Games Association & other partners.  To promote and encourage mature individuals, generally known as Masters, from all over the state to be active.  This together with the awareness that competitive sport can continue throughout life. To promote friendship and understanding among mature sports people, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or sport status. To work with International Masters Games Association to explore the possibilities to encourage and focus on the development of Masters’ sport in India.  To strengthen the Pan India Masters Games Federation as a “Biggest and Strongest” team in the world masters’ games.


Dr. satish reddy


A legendary international Tennis Player from Hyderabad (India).  At present, he is one of the leading and advanced training coaches for the Tennis Game in India.  This legendary athlete has a lot of records in his name in 1980s & 90s.  A hardcore architect of Masters Games in India.  He has a 40-year experience in Indian athletics as a runner and a renown coach.

Mr. Nataraj D.A.

Secretary General

Mr. Nataraj, a renown name in the Indian Masters Games.  A dynamic organizer from Bangalore has achieved numerous milestones in the organization of Masters Games by implementing mixed relays in the athletics, and implementing “Biggest Medals” for the winners in India.  At present, he is one of the “Best Masters’ Sports Organizers” in India.  He is an advanced ideologist, a hardcore worker and a great professionalism from Bangalore.  He is the key person to bring Pan India Masters Games in India.  He has lot of dreams about uplifting the Masters Games in India and also all over the World.

He is on the way to make one of the “Best and Biggest” Masters Games Federation in the World.

T.S. Balaraman

Senior Vice President

A business tycoon from Kerala and CEO of “Kalyan Group”.  A sports lover and a sports promoter.  Former weightlifting champion of Kerala and also a former National Kabaddi and Yoga player.  He represented Kerala state in the National events in several times.


Senior Joint Secretary

A retired NIS Athletics Coach from Chattisgarh state.  Mr. Tajuddin is one of the renown athletics coaches in India.

Hemaprabha Laila

chief executive officer (ceo)

Ms. Hemaprabha Laila, an enthusiastic, dynamic and hardcore worker from Karnataka.  She is a good sports organizer.  She is an International Master Athlete and participated in various International Masters Athletics Championships.  Currently, she is working as a manager in one of the Steel Companies at Mangalore.  She is always working for the upliftment of Masters Games in India.